In order to cover the administrative costs, some fees are charged for different identifiers. Note: A surcharge will be included on all manual invoice order requests.

If you have already purchased an ID and would like to view it, please sign in and access your IDs here.

A detailed description of the identifiers, why they are needed, and how they are managed can be found here.

LTE Identifier Package Price$325$1501 CBRS NID, 1 MMEGI, 100 eNB IDs
5G Identifier Package Price$325$1501 CBRS NID, 1 AMF RS ID, 100 gNB IDs
À la Carte ItemsNewRenewNotes
CBRS-NID (LTE/5GS)$40$15
MMEGI (LTE)$125$50
eNB ID (LTE)$2$1
AMF RS ID (5GS)$125$50
gNB ID (5GS)$2$1
Managed TACs (LTE/5GS)$0$0If the 6 TACs per IBN is not sufficient.

Note: A surcharge will be included on all manual invoice order requests.