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What is most exciting for your organization around the opportunity with CBRS and OnGo?
- We believe CBRS, together with 5G and Wi-Fi 6, has great potential of becoming a major component in a ‘triple play’ wireless connectivity for mobile and stationary devices for the Enterprise and MVNO operators. Wefi, with over 12 years of experience in wireless connectivity and wireless networks data collection and analytics, sees its products and services playing a major role as a fully managed connectivity and analytics element for CBRS and OnGo.
What verticals do you see as having the most potential for your business with OnGo?
- Our product and service portfolio, that includes mobile connectivity, a data collection SDK and network planning data analytics tools, fits a verity of verticals and use cases. We address 3 major verticals: MVNO operators, Enterprise Private LTE and Mobile IoT. We also see Sport Venues as an important vertical that, once fans are back in the stadiums, will adopt CBRS and Wefi will be there to address it.
What use cases do you see as having the most potential for your business with OnGo (private LTE, neutral host, etc.)?
- Wefi is well grounded in the MVNO business and we see CBRS taking a major role. An MVNOs ability to diversify their networks by providing high end data services, will help them remain profitable. We are also active in IoT for the Automotive Industry where CBRS and OnGo will play a major role in communicating with autonomous cars. We believe Private LTE for the Enterprise will leverage its existing Cell and Wi-Fi networks and together with OnGO based CBRS, build multi-tier 3-dimensional wireless networks with policy controlled connectivity.
Tell us about an OnGo deployment (completed or planned) that your organization is participating in. (only include details you’re okay with being public and feel free to include links)
- Wefi is working with one of its MVNO customers to create a CBRS solution that will enable Cell data cost reduction, while maintaining high quality mobile service and an always best-connected experience for its subscribers.
What OnGo products or services does your organization offer? (feel free to include links)
- Wefi offers its WeConnect solution for automatically and seamlessly connecting to Cell, CBRS and Wi-Fi. Our WeCollect mobile data collection SDK collects wireless network diagnostics, including CBRS quality parameters. WeScore, a dashboard based wireless network analytics tool, is used for designing, deploying and maintaining wireless networks.
What do you think the effects of the PAL auction will be?
- Too early to know for sure but there is a potential here for a change in the wireless network landscape. While MNOs may leverage CBRS to fill gaps in their emerging 5G networks, MVNOs may seize the opportunity to be more independent, maintain their profitability and offer more services outside their traditional subscriber base. Enterprises may also become less dependent on MNOs in delivering mobile and stationary data services to their employees and visitors. Integrators may find new opportunities in building large enough networks to serve industries and geographies currently out of their reach. Very exciting times.
By the end of 2020, what changes do you expect to see in the market for OnGo?
- With the PAL auction published and hopefully the economic challenge created by this pandemic over, we anticipate a lot of activity around shaping new alliances and service models. Maybe not so much wide commercial deployments but definitely initial networks being built, more device models supporting Band 48 and early adopter enterprises “feeling the water”.