By Sean Kinney, Editor in Chief, RCRWireless
As the telecom industry moves to commercialize use of the 3.5 GHz Citizens Broadband Radio Service, the concept of sharing spectrum based on a priority access scheme could be adapted to put other valuable spectrum resources to work. And that means it’s important to get CBRS right.
“This is a clear opportunity to prove a completely different business model,” Zinwave CEO Scott Willis told RCR Wireless News in an interview. “Spectrum is not an infinite resource. If this particular business model can prove itself out, and as an industry we can prove that spectrum sharing in the way that it’s attempting to be defined today with CBRS is a very viable business model for the industry going forward, I don’t see why we wouldn’t look at other opportunities to replicate that business model and leverage that for all the participants within the mobile community collectively as a group. My perception or perspective would be that if this business model can be proven and it works well and works successfully, why wouldn’t you look to evolve it and advance it into other opportunities?”