A common use case we discuss with organizations that are interested in learning more about the potential of CBRS is fixed wireless. Not only are fixed applications likely to be the first ones deployed on CBRS, but they also offer significant benefits to both service providers and enterprises.
But before we go any further, let’s define what “Fixed Wireless” means. Fixed wireless is the operation of wireless devices or systems used to connect two fixed locations, such as two buildings, with a radio or other wireless link.
These “point-to-point” connections do not require satellites or telephone services and are often a cost-effective alternative to leasing fiber or installing cables.
Fixed wireless can also be applied to “point-to-multipoint,” or PMP connections. This is the most popular approach for wireless networks that have multiple end destinations. PMP networks are commonly used in situations where users require a high-speed, reliable connection while being distributed across a large or remote area. Huge corporate campuses and school districts are good examples of these kinds of use cases.
A common question about fixed CBRS is how it stacks up against existing fixed wireless bands and technologies. Why try something new when what you have is – for the most part – working just fine? To answer this question and further investigate fixed CBRS, we partnered with Monica Paolini, founder and president of Senza Fili. Together we’ve developed a whitepaper that provides an in-depth analysis of the three potential users of fixed CBRS: a wireless internet service provider (WISP), a hospital, and an enterprise organization.
There are a number of reasons why a company would be interested in deploying fixed CBRS. High-capacity fixed links connecting buildings or mobile devices allows for various IoT applications, such as video surveillance, monitoring, or remote-control applications. The network can also be used in a manufacturing plant, an office campus, or even hospitals. These types of enterprises usually have control over their own real estate, so the option to install their own private networks or partner with operators, service providers or other parties is an attractive one.
The full report features in-depth cost analyses for each of these business use cases, but even for those of us who aren’t networking aficionados, the key takeaway is clear: CBRS opens new, valuable spectrum to fixed and mobile users at a lower expected cost than existing options.
The full report from Senza Fili will be available for download soon. If you’re interested in learning more about CBRS and what the CBRS Alliance is doing to help shape tomorrow’s wireless networks, be sure to connect with us on Twitter and LinkedIn, or drop us a line at info@cbrsalliance.org.